Günleme, ders BELGELİĞİ is a study of the students who started to contribute to art education in 2003. This study included the Günleme magazine published in 2003 and the internet site opened in 2017. Through this work, students create their own history by trying to establish a connection between past, present and future, and carry past achievements-failures of the past.
ders BELGELİĞİ, starting in April 1998, narrow coverage area, magazine / book. It is the H62 publication to support the course notes (95-96 Notes) prepared by H. Avni Öztopçu for his students. Through the ders BELGELİĞİ, students develop themselves in many fields such as arts, education, nature, philosophy, music, and aim to contribute to art education.
It is not wrong to say that the greatest value created by Günleme is the ders BELGELİĞİ that the producers take own labor. Because every year, many students graduate from ders BELGELİĞİ and they are working as teachers, artists and academicians in different places of the country. There is no connection between graduation and students. Through this platform, our associates are aware of each other’s work and achievements. They will continue to work in Günleme as well.
ders BELGELİĞİ students make themselves more visible through Günleme and do this mostly for themselves. Seeing yourself through this platform is a feature that creates a rather developer-encouraging experience for ders BELGELİĞİ producers. This is because such deficiencies can be seen, deepened and creativity is increasing.